@machonumenor, Думаю у обоих мифологических персонажей общий корень. Известно, например, что индусская "Рамаяна" имела/имеет аналогичные легенды во всей юго-восточной Азии. 😎
@machonumenor, Wikipedia: As one of the most enduring Chinese literary characters, Sun Wukong has a varied background and colorful cultural history. His inspiration comes from an amalgam of Indian and Chinese culture. The Monkey King was possibly influenced by the Hindu deity Hanuman, the Monkey-God, from the Ramayana, via stories passed by Buddhists who traveled to China. The Monkey King's origin story includes the wind blowing on a stone, whereas Hanuman is the son of the God of Wind. Some scholars believe the character originated from the first disciple of Xuanzang, Shi Banto. 😎